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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Casa Migrante

Casa Migrante provides shelter, food, work and identification cards for migrants going north or south. It is in Colonia Postal.

Da techo, comida, trabajo y tarjetas de identificacion Casa Migrante a migrantes que llegan del norte o sur. Esta' en Colonia Postal.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Cactus flower/Flor de cactus

This cactus bloomed at night on Friday night. Saturday it closed and began wilting.

Esto cactus foricido en la noche el viernes. Sabado se cerro' y se marchito'.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Mural - Palacio de Cultura Municipal

The muralist and his new mural being created in the Palacio on Calle 2a, Centro.

El mualista y su mural nuevo en proceso en el Palacio en calle 2a, Centro, Tijuana.