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Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Are we enemies?/?Enemigos somos?

Less than 90 years ago President Wilson ordered the most recent U.S. military invasion of Mexico. Now President Bush has again ordered U.S. troops massed along the U.S.-Mexican frontier. It does not seem like a friendly act from this side of the border.

A few facts about migration from Mexico to the United States may not be known. The migration was low and dropping prior to NAFTA. Migration has increased every year since NAFTA went into effect. Now 11 years after NAFTA it is at an all time high.

President Clinton ordered the beginning of the construction of what has become known in Mexico as the Wall of Death just before NAFTA went into effect, knowing what effect the treaty would have on Mexico's economy and on migration patterns. Each year in the past 11 years the number of deaths on the border has increased. The total is now well over 1000 more than were killed on 9/11 in Pennsylvania, New York & Washington D.C. It is hundreds of times more than were killed at the Berlin wall. It is a crime against humanity.

Art on the Tijuana, Mexico side of the wall

El arte en el lado de la barda de Tijuana, Mexico

honors the dead year by year

da honor a los muertos an~o por an~o

and also as individual human beings.

y tambien como ser humanos individuales.

The USA as seen from Tijuana.

Los EEUU, la vista desde Tijuana.

Hace menos que 90 an~os dio ordenes el presidente Wilson al ejercito de los EEUU invadir a Mexico. Ahora mismo ha dado ordenes el presidente Bush al ejercito de los EEUU formarse en la frontera Mexicana. No aparece como un hecho amable.

Unos datos de la migracion desde Mexico a los EEUU no son familiares a todos. Eran bajo los numeros de migrantes antes del TLCAN. La migracion ha subido cada an~o despues. Ahora es mas alta que siempre.

El presidente Clinton dio los ordenes construir la barda de muerte antes del inicio del TLCAN sabiendo su efecto en la economia de Mexico y en las estampas de la migracion. Cada an~o de los 11 an~os ha subido los muertes hasta ahora es mas que 4000. Es un crimen contra la humanidad.

1 comment:

LilĂ­ o Monstruo said...

Hi, where did you get all those facts from? I would like to see that. Thank You
my email is