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Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Xolotl's namesake/El tocayo de Xolotl

3 Aztec depictions:

3 representaciones Aztecas:

And several verbal interpretations:

Xolotl accompanied Quetzalcoatl to Mictlan, Land of the Death or the underworld, to retrieve the bones from those who inhabited the previous world (Nahui Atl) to create new life for the present world, Nahui Ollin, the sun of movement. In a sense, this re-creation of life is reacted every night when Xolotl guides the sun through the underworld.

In Aztec and Toltec mythology, Xolotl is the god of lightning who guides the dead to the Mictlan. The Aztec regard him as the twin brother of Quetzalcoatl. As lord of the evening star and personification of Venus, he pushes the sun at sunset towards the ocean and guards her during the night on her dangerous journey through the underworld.

XOLOTL: God of Lightning and personification of the planet Venus.

Other Names: "The Animal", Lord of the Evening Star, Lord of the Underworld.

In Aztec mythology, Xolotl (pronounced [ˈʃolotɬ] in Nahuatl) was the god with associations to both lightning and death.
Xolotl aided the dead on their journey to Mictlan, the afterlife in some myths.
Xolotl was also the god of fire and of bad luck. He was the twin of Quetzalcoatl, the pair being sons of the virgin Coatlicue, and was the personification of Venus, the evening star. He guarded the sun when it went through the underworld at night. He also brought forth humankind and fire from the underworld.
In art, Xolotl was depicted as a skeleton, a dog-headed man or a monster animal with reversed feet. He was also the patron of the Mesoamerican ballgame.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

xolotcaradeverenelano19953mesesGRIFOesebien sabiaque del norte me viosu jefa lastimasinolovieraigualaldiadesuidaledi3plomasosporqueloameisolomegustariaquetambienmedieranesegustocuandolleggeesediaavermicaraxolotlakasolakababygrifoakarubensepulvedadakaesegrifobrazawailerdeelbarriomexicalibaja atodoscaliforniaesmimedionombresoydonfuentesguerradelatreceorigendetuavioncallejonsimentalcol.orizabax12aquinacieaquimuriaquiviviaquiteesperosiyoudenegroluzloverasclaritoeldiaqueteconocimepresentaroncomowARDELASAGRADARAYAQUEDUDASCRUZARQUEMEVEZPARADOPIEZPLANTADOSANDMYWALKISVICTORYDOGGMARIOLOREDOSANCHEZDEBROLE,CAAKAGAIOXOLOTLESUNROTTWIELERDEHITLERLADELVESTIDOAZULSELOSCONFIRMARAANUBEFLOTASOBREMI...dequeelviolaluzpor mi autoridadle apunteellconocioami