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Thursday, March 23, 2006

Maclovio Rojas

Maclovio Rojas is an ejido (collectively owned land formed under the Mexican Revolution's land reform laws) on the far east side of Tijuana. It has been the objective of well connected, international developers for some time but has managed to survive. One of the tools of survival has been its art. Here are some examples. I will post more tomorrow.

The history of the Ejido Maclovio Rojas

La historia del Ejido Maclovio Rojas

The biography of Maclovio Rojas

La biografia de Maclovio Rojas

An example of the ejido's popular art , "The old ones whisper that women fly in the night and turn cartwheels without any shame."

Un ejemplo del arte popular del ejido.

Maclovio Rojas es un ejido al este de Tijuana. Su supervivencia contra los explotadores internacionales ha sido en parte por su arte. Aqui estan unos ejemplos, Voy a poner mas aqui man~ana.

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